A social media influencer and blogger, Sir Chika Nwoba has taken to his Facebook platform to narrate what an intending social media influencer should do to get audience on their platforms. He posted this:
“Many people created pages on Facebook with a view to making money from them very soon, but now, the pages aren’t functioning nor growing, let alone paying them. It’s easier to create a page than growing it after creating it. It’s not a simple task to build audience on social media as it requires time, dedication, consistency, nuisance value, creativity, intentionality and a little condescension. You must lower your ego to get people’s attention. You don’t have to be too formal. Our kind of society thrives on informality – often things that don’t matter. That’s why academic and knowledge-packed posts hardly gain reactions.
And mind you that too much academic contents don’t drive attention in our kind of social media society. Majority want to laugh, catch cruise and all that. Only a little fraction want to learn and be updated in knowledge. Another thing is that you can hardly enjoy that kind of audience you crave without controversy as a mind-bursting incident has to happen around you to be able to trend, either in good or in bad taste. Our people easily forget. If you are such that craves fish but doesn’t want own hands touching water, forget it. An incident must announce you on social media to be able to be a figure here. This is why some people go as far as staging such mind-plucking incidents. While they achieve a little result, only a natural one gives huge attention. Only one incident can announce you, not two. Subsequent ones are just complementary. What you need is one thing that can trend you organically, not staged. Glory of fake or forced trending doesn’t last as it loses steam in hours. You can’t know what incident or post can trend you. It’s an involuntary occurrence.
Again, check what you are engaged in outside social media to know if you can have the freedom to be a social media character. There are jobs you can be engaged in and they can’t allow you express yourself socially freely. Social media influence needs time. It’s not what you do once in a while. You don’t also have to be shy and afraid. Expect anything including arrest and detention. Expect litigation. Expect dragging. These are the raw materials for audience-growing… Audience doesn’t just come because you post always. Something loud must arouse it. Let me say it again that number of followers isn’t audience; traffic is. Let me use myself as an example: I have only 68K followers; I know people who have 100, 220, 500K followers and above but the number doesn’t reflect on their posts or videos. They lack traffic on their walls. Audience is traffic, not number of followers. One post can give you thousands of followers, but keeping them glued to your wall is where the difficulty lies. When looking for a platform to advertise on, don’t consider number of followers first, but the traffic of reactions on such a wall. Followers are sold. Anyone can buy fake followers from the websites they’re sold.
Therefore, when creating a page for purpose of making money from it, consider the first things first. Don’t be taken away by the testimonies of people it has paid well. You might not be able to go the extent they went. Facebook has a way of frustrating one’s efforts at audience building. If you are unlucky to be dealt with by the Facebook algorithm, you’ll think you were deceived. I grow pages for people, but I have been hit twice by Facebook algorithm. Owners thought they were played. No amount of explanation can dissuade them from thinking they were scammed until the same thing comes their ways directly. So, making money online isn’t easy — call it blogspot, YouTube, Facebook or X (blogging & vlogging). If you are such that is impatient and inconsistent, you’ll overrun yourself and think that the hands of village people are upon your life. The answer is consistency. Kwechili! And mind you also that everyone must not make money from online. If you are one of such persons that must not, if you like, invest millions in it, you’ll not succeed. Finally, people that post on Facebook aren’t called bloggers. You must own a Google-powered site to be called blogger. When it’s in video form, it’s vlogging and it has to be on YouTube or any other website-powered video platform. Don’t join ignorant people who misuse concepts and terms”.