A public interest activist in Ebonyi State, Chika Nwoba was on the 15th of December, 2024 invested into the Knight of Saint Christopher (KSC) in the Ikwo Diocese of Anglican Communion. Nwoba who was knighted alongside five others was elated and full of thanks to God and the Anglican Communion for finding him worthy of investiture into the Anglican knighthood.
The investiture took place at the Ikwo Diocese of Anglican’s headquarters, St Peters Church, Ameka, Ekpelu community of Ikwo. The investiture was officiated by the Bishop of the diocese, Rt Rev. Ken Ifemene alongside the rest of the diocese’s priests and laity.
Nwoba later hosted a loud reception party in Abakaliki with assortment of side attractions. His guests who were in hundreds were entertained as the event provided an opportunity for a meet and greet. Thanking the guests and everyone who contributed to the success of the event, Nwoba urged Christians to imbibe and emulate the character of Jesus Christ whom he said was the purpose there’s Christianity in the world. Highlights of the reception were dance by the celebrant and wife, Sir & Lady Chika and Gift Nwoba, ogene music performance by Ogene Jankar from Enugu, entertainment
and lots more.
In a post on Facebook, Nwoba explained the concept of knighthood in the church and society thus:
Knighthood and the Many Questions
I can now answer the many questions asked me about knighthood the little I know from several orientation and trainings given us ahead of actual investiture. I will answer the questions through this post.
Three churches practise knighthood in Nigeria and they are the Catholic, Anglican & the Methodist. The six orders of knighthood in the Anglican include: Knight of Saint Christopher (KSC), Knight of Good Shepherd (KGS), Knight of Saint Paul (KSP), Knight of Saint Mary (KSM), Knight of Saint Augustine (KSA) & Ladies of Bethany. Each diocese chooses for itself the order to be using permanently. The Ikwo Diocese adopted the Knight of Saint Christopher (KSC). I think Abakaliki Diocese adopted Knight of Saint Paul (KSP) while Enugu Diocese adopted Knight of Good Shepherd (KGS). Anglican Church came into Nigeria in 1842 through the Church Missionary Society (CMS), an acronym people associate Anglican with till date. Ajayi Crowther was the first African Bishop. The question of which church’s knighthood is the strongest doesn’t make any sense as none is. Knighthood in these three churches are one and equal. None is greater than another. One can also become a Knight outside church. The Queen of England could decide to honour your services to society and mankind with a Knighthood crown. An instance is the one given to Sir Ahmadu Bello who was not even a Christian. He was invested into knighthood as a recognition for quality public service.
Notes on becoming a Knight in Anglican:
1. You must be a dedicated member of the church and one committed to the propagation of the mission of saving souls through philanthropy, mission or attitude. This can further manifest through being a financial supporter of church projects or being dedicated to church activities, society and humanity.
2. Bishop does the nomination. It’s not you indicating interest to become a knight. You can reject or accept the nomination or recommendation.
3. You must have been baptized and confirmed in the Anglican with proofs. There must be a good remark about you by your local church.
4. You must have wedded in the Anglican and not polygamous. You must not have two wives before or after investiture into the order. You cease to be a knight once you acquire extra wife and not that you divorced the first one.
5. You must not be a cultist nor a member of secret society. If anyone brings a proof that you belong to a secret society, you’ll not be invested. Your name will be removed from the list of those to be invested into the order. On the day of investiture, you’ll take an oath against secret society involvement.
6. You must be a known member in the Diocese. You’ll be invested in your diocese. Ikwo Diocese no longer accepts for investiture Anglicans who’re not indigenous to Ikwo Diocese. Many other dioceses also stopped doing so. This is so because some people from other dioceses would come and take the title and run away with it.
7. Singles aren’t qualified for knighthood. You must be married and wedded in Anglican. There’s no age barrier so long as you are officially married.
8. You must not be a reproach to society and mankind. It’s for morally distinguished men and women. Once found wanting, you’ll be derobed.
9. Wives of knights are called Ladies. A woman who is knighted is called Dame. Just like Dame Patience Goodluck Jonathan. She’s a knight in the Anglican. Both men & women knights wear same uniform and share equal recognitions. To be knighted as a woman, you must be wedded and not divorced at the point of nomination or after.
10. You can resign from knighthood anytime you so wish. You’ll communicate it officially to the bishop. You can also be unknighted if need be. Diocese can take back the title from you once you start going haywire. If you bear the title or use for instance (KSC), you have the knights in Nigeria to battle with since you are daring to impersonate members of the order.
Knights are the number one in the laity. After the Bishop, Priests and Deacons, next is knights. Knighthood avails one the opportunity to connect to the high and mighty in the society who are knights as well. For instance, Gov. Sim Fubara of Rivers State is an Anglican Knight of Saint Christopher. Anambra Deputy Governor, Sir Onyekachukwu Ibezim is a Knight of Saint Christopher. Sen. (Dr) Andy Ubah and a host of others are knights in Anglican. All the knights in Anglican are equal. That benefit of “he’s a brother knight” is always there. You connect. You enjoy esprit de corp anywhere and time the need arises. The uniform isn’t worn anyhow. It’s only when there’s a programme at the level of Diocese that you are to wear it. You don’t wear it to church. In a year, you can wear it only two times or three such as during Synod, priestly ordination or at the conference of Knights in Nigeria. Investiture into knighthood doesn’t happen every year. It could be once in four years or more.
Knights have a responsibility of ensuring that diocese moves forward and not be intimidated. Their contacts and finances help the church to advance. Knights are the highest in rank at the laity. Laity means the rest of the church members who’re not ordained priests. Knighthood isn’t a secret society as many see it to be. If you are a member of a secret society somewhere, and a knight, it’s up to you and your God, but not the knighthood itself being an occult organization. No, it’s not!
Around the year 1261, knights were armed as military. They had military paraphernalia. In today’s reality, knights are the defenders of the Christian faith and the church. The sword issued upon investiture symbolizes a tool for warfare. The uniform symbolizes military or paramilitary. By convention, police and their sister security agencies have it a duty to extend the Esprit De Corp spirit to a Knight whenever they both meet.
— Sir Chika Nwoba, KSC.